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巴士为您推荐: css3ps Adobe Photoshop CS5 CS6 and CC PS扩展

css3ps插件是PS的一款强大的扩展程序,这里收集了css3ps for PS CS5, CS6 and CC下载,附上详细的安装方法,有需要的不要错过了。


Installation process forphotoshopCS5, CS6 and CC

If Adobe Photoshop is running then close it.

Open downloaded "CSS3Ps.zpx" file.

In Adobe Extension Manager click on "Accept" button.

When the installation process is done you'll see the screen below. Now you can run Adobe Photoshop.

In Adobe Photoshop check "Window -> Extensions -> CSS3Ps" menu item.

Congratulations! Now you can select your layers and convert them to CSS.

css3ps for Adobe Photoshop CS5, CS6 and CC(PS扩展) 免费版下载


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