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巴士为您推荐: Context Note v1 2 keygen

Context Note v1.2 is a “sticky” note application that allows you to save notes based on the current active window. When you create a new note and then go to another window, the note is automatically saved. When you come back to that window the note will come back. You can better see how this works by watching this short video - https://cl.ly/1T1k3M2n2S2L


Global or Per App color (Set the color of the note to one color or a different color depending on the current application/window)

Add to startup (Allow Context Note to start with Windows)

Lock a note (Allows you to lock Context Note to only show one note even while switching applications/windows)

List notes (You can list and switch to another note without having to click on that window or even needing to have that application/window open)

15 day trial before you need to register to continue to use Context Note

Option to minimize to system tray

Context Note v1.2 破解版下载


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