MindMapper 16 专业的可视化的概念图实现软件。概念图是以图的形式来呈现思考的过程或者知识的关联。使用 MindMapper 16 Arena 你能更快的捕获脑中的想法、增强思考过程、更容易方便地与他人合作交流。另外 MindMapper 还提供与其他文档软件,如 Word,PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, email 和手持设备之间的双向转换功能。
思维导图软件 MindMapper 16.8011a Arena 中文汉化版
MindMapper 16 Arena 的双程文件联合系统,能够将映射图传输到 Microsoft Word 文档、PowerPoint、Microsoft Project、Email 和手持设备中,从而将您的创造性想法转换为可交付形式,以便进一步研究和分析。当然,您也可以在 MindMapper 软件内部操作,提交您思想映射图报告,甚至创建一个包括所用时间和资源的详细进度表。
首次打开 MindMapper 16Arena,你肯定会被一个“别开生面”的帮助文档所吸引,因为这个帮助文档就是用 MindMapper 创建的,这个帮助文档以直观的方式向用户展现了 MindMapper 的基本功能,同时又以清晰的逻辑让用户能够按照一定的顺序快速掌握软件的使用方法。
MindMapper 16Arena 在使用上也比较容易上手,只要把你脑子里面的想法一个一个按照层级关系列举出来即可,MindMapper 就会自动为它们创建分支关系,列举完所有的想法,一棵完整的“思维树”就出现在你的眼前了。
除了手工一个事件一个事件地创建之外,MindMapper 还有一个非常重要的特性:从 MS Office 程序中读入事件,这个功能与 Outlook 配合使用特别有效,它可以读入 Outlook 中的事项并且按照时间顺序为事件编号,最重要的是,它可以将每个事项对应的时间、备注信息一并读入,用户可以在 MindMapper 中直观管理自己的 Outlook 日程。
和以往版本相比,最新的 MindMapper 启动速度更快、最终文件体积更小,软件图标更加漂亮,并且对中文的兼容性更好。功能方面,MindMapper 新增了多种事件管理模式,用该版本将文件导出为 Excel 表格时,各事件的层级关系也能够在 Excel 中得到明确体现。
从上面的描述中可以看到,和大多数“头脑风暴”软件相比,MindMapper 最大的特色不仅在于可以用于整理思路,它完全可以作为非常实用的日程管理软件来使用。虽然想要掌握 MindMapper 的高级功能要稍微复杂一些,但是一旦你熟悉了它的使用方法,相信你会发现自己的组织、思维能力都会因此而踏上新的台阶。
思维导图软件 MindMapper 16.8011a Arena 中文汉化版
Mindmapper 16 Arena 里给出了几个固有的模式化思维方式
鱼骨图也称为因果分析图或石川图(根据最先提出这一工具的石川熏(Kaoru Ishikawa译名)的名字命名)。它看上去有些象鱼骨,问题或缺陷(即后果)标在”鱼头”外。在鱼骨上长出鱼刺,上面按出现机会多寡列出产生生产问题的可能原因。鱼骨图有助于说明各个原因之间如何相互影响。它也能表现出各个可能的原因是如何随时间而依次出现的。这有助于着手解决问题。
就是实现定出结果, 采用逆向推理法进行排列工作内容或者进行的项目内容顺序目标。进而进一步区分每一个目标的具体执行任务。
MindMapper was introduced to the world in 1998 as a digital mind mapping tool based on the framework of mind map’s radiant thinking which naturally captures brain’s creative activities. Since then, it has progressively evolved to reflect and accommodate special attributes that come with managing work and convergent thinking. Some of the features that we brought to this industry such as converting maps to MS Office documents and integrated Gantt chart for scheduling in the year 2000 paved the way for mind mapping software establish itself as a business tool for everyday use.
MindMapper is different from your common business tools used for meetings, planning, data gathering, presentation, and so on. It displays new ideas in a visual format, reflecting your creative ideas in your work results.
history-of-mainmapper_img2As such, MindMapper can be viewed as a “thinking tool” in current knowledge and information age of creativity and innovation. Furthermore, it is a mind processing tool to support the new ways of working. The more you use MindMapper, the more you think about new ideas and applying those ideas to your work becomes less of a stress and more of an opportunity to express your hidden potential. Moreover, in the process using MindMapper, you develop three common characteristics that smart workers possess: the ability to see the whole picture, creative thinking, and visualization.
MindMapper is a tool designed to accommodate the new ways of working thorough Mind Processing. It is digital age’s all-in-one working tool to help execute creative ideas through time management. Below are some key features of MindMapper.
1. MindMapper maximizes synergy effect of connecting thinking and time, which are the most valuable resource in our daily lives, to planning and execution.
2. Creates proactive attitude toward solving problems and reaching goals by looking at each project from bird’s-eye view of my time and thinking.
3. Going beyond simple note taking of small events and ideas that happen in daily lives, MindMapper help utilize bird’s eye view or big picture thinking that allows creative ideation and discover new goals.
4. Online or on-premise collaboration increases communication efficiency and works productivity through gathering and sharing of information, ideas, and schedule among the team members.
5. Small or big tasks are viewed with project perspective as many projects can be connected, managed, and executed to just one planner.
6. Records and mapping are running side by side simultaneously enables inductive and deductive thinking and whole-brain thinking.
7. Helps realize the meaning and value of small tasks and flash ideas have on the project as a whole that helps to decide your priority and focus.