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巴士为您推荐: 系统字体渲染 MacType

New Installer - Important!

The new installer will uninstall any old MacType packages, and clean up MacType-Patch and other test versions. This includes profiles, so please backup your profiles!(安装此版本会清理旧版本设置文件,注意提前备份个人设置)

If you experience any problem with this release please search Issues and log a new Issue if need be. Thanks for your support!

Fixes/new features since beta5:

Added font inclusion (see below)(增加了字体include特性)

Improved loader (Works for Ableton and many more applications that previous would crash MacType due to a Windows 10 security enhancement)(改善了Windows10加载时的兼容性和崩溃问题)

Improved font identification, a better way to distinguish some malformed font names(改进了字体识别)

Updated to latest FreeType 2.10.0(升级了FreeType字体支持版本)

Updated to latest EasyHook 2.7.6789.0(升级了EasyHook版本)

Windows 8/8.1 compatibility improved(改善了Windows8/8.1的兼容性)

Windows XP/2003 compatibility improved (yes we still support 32-bit XP/2003!)(改善了WindowsXP/2003的兼容性,作者也是心累,还在支持XP。。。。。。)

MacTray now has a bug report system (see below)(任务栏图标加了个bug反馈系统)

The new installer now cleans up files in Program Files (x86) it was missing(新安装会默认清空目标文件夹)

MacType Updater is now working(修复了MacType自动更新功能)

MacTray.exe now properly detects if MacType is running in Service Mode, and opens the Wizard instead of MacTray(MacTray.exe进程现在可以正确检测MacType是否在服务模式下运行,并打开Wizard向导而不是MacTray图标)

Added a new Profile thanks to @ChicoThorn, designed to work at 117% screen scaling(加了个给117%缩放屏幕用的配置文件)

Font inclusion

As requested! 😊 To use the new font inclusion feature, add the font name(s) under the [Include] section and only those specified font(s) will be rendered. If a font is both "Included" and "Excluded", it will be excluded. If nothing is specified under [Include] or the section doesn't exist, font inclusion is disabled.

Why have we added font inclusion? Well first of all because it was requested... But also if you run a complex Windows environment, whitelisting (or including) several fonts, gives you a lot more control over things than excluding potentially hundreds of fonts.

MacTray bug report

This allows you to save a bug report instead of sending it currently, and gives you the info we need to help find and fix bugs more easily.


UWP apps

UWP stands for Universal Windows Application. MacType works for all native UWP apps, but not for apps converted from the old Win32 applications.(支持原生的UWP应用,但是还不支持传统Win32软件直接转制的UWP应用)

Thanks for your support and feedback, here's to better font rendering for Windows! 😊

MacType下载-系统字体渲染工具MacType 2019.1 Beta6下载


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