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巴士为您推荐: EssentialPIM EssentialPIM中文版

EssentialPIM Pro 中文特别版是一套个人时间日程安排软件,它具有相当方便的操作接口,让使用者能够对于所排定的行程一目了然,而每一个事件也都允许使用者进行夹档,让你可以把 例如会议结果、计划案等数据附带于该记录中。往后,使用者就能够直接对所输入的数据进行搜寻,让你不论在何时都能够找到该事件发生时的一些特定信息。

EssentialPIM Pro v7.0 多语免费版下载

EssentialPim Pro 中文版是一款个人日程安排软件,能以电子化的形式保存您的信息。您所有的日程、任务、记事、通讯录、登陆密码都保存在图形化界面中且形式简便。


EssentialPIM Pro v7.0 多语免费版下载

EssentialPIM Pro 主要功能:


-能与主要的在线服务商(谷歌、雅虎、Funambol、Mobical、AOLSync、GooSync等)以及SyncML和CalDAV服务器、Outlook、Windows Mobile和Palm同步。





New in EssentialPIM 7.0更新日志

Added: Tags. Assign a tag to any EssentialPIM item and easily find all related items*

Added: Ability to password protect any module and/or any item marked as private*

Added: Quick hyperlinking feature for items within EPIM environment by typing the “@” sign

Added: Option to turn off automatic image loading for email messages

Added: Contact birthdays in Calendar are automatically linked to a contact itself

Added: Shortcut to insert date/time anywhere (Ctrl+Space)

Improved: Completely redesigned UI that offers a modern and functional look

Improved: Mechanism for quick-selecting time for appointments and tasks

Improved: New email account creation wizard to reflect latest security trends

Improved: Scaling of email messages (Ctrl+mouse wheel)

Improved: Related Items dialog*

Improved: Logic behind treating “Re:” in the subject line when replying to mail (no more complex constructions)

Fixed: Lots of fixes and other smaller improvements


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