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魔兽世界手机客户端World of Warcraft Mobile Armory for iOS v6.1.1 苹果版

魔兽世界手机客户端World of Warcraft Mobile Armory for iOS v6.1.1 苹果版


  • 类型:角色扮演
  • 更新:2016-06-13
  • 大小:未知
  • 语言:简体中文

巴士为您推荐: 魔兽世界手机客户端 魔兽世界 World of Warcraft Mobile Armory

魔兽世界手机客户端是暴雪官方提供的魔兽世界手机版客户端,并不是游戏版客户端,主要可刷拍卖行可工会聊天可查看装备 各种犀利!魔兽的粉丝们收藏一个吧!


The World of Warcraft Mobile Armory app for iPhone and iPod touch is a portable tool that helps you keep track of your characters, access the Auction House, plan your adventures, and keep up with the activities of your guild. This convenient app is easy to install and contains these powerful features:

Characters and Events

* View all of your World of Warcraft characters, along with their stats, equipment, achievements, and more. Each character profile displays that character’s in-game 3D model complete with animations and backgrounds.

* Access key guild stats, your in-game calendar, and other informational and planning tools.

* Browse the full complement of items available in the game and use the talent calculator to decide the best spec for your character.

Remote Auction House

* Browse any Auction Houses your characters have access to and view the status of their current bids and auctions.

* Post items up for sale from a character's bag, bank, or mailbox on your faction's Auction House or the realm's cross-faction Auction House.

* Place bids or make buyout purchases on the Auction House.

* Collect the gold earned from a successful auction or reclaim the gold from an unsuccessful bid.

Remote Guild Chat

* Participate in guild chat and officer chat.

* Initiate one-on-one conversations with fellow guild members.

魔兽世界手机客户端World of Warcraft Mobile Armory for iOS v6.1.1 苹果版下载


