手机应用绿化神器!绿色守护新版实验性功能现在主要支持适配Android 6.0系统,具有全新的无锁情况下自动休眠引擎,在非root用户权限下可以无缝实现自动休眠。
Greenify *ROOT* ,绿色守护,休眠进程和省电必备神器!最佳控制后台运行应用的利器,原生无广告,界面非常简洁,白色Holo风格,所有操作都可在主页完成;无需去重复清空内存,一旦加入休眠名单,那些应用就像吃了安眠药一样不再活跃;有着小巧,占资源少优势,非常适合低内存用户使用。
2016-10-03 v2.9.5 build 4
Improved the hibernation in root mode on Android 6+ to be more resistant to self wake-up.
Wake-up Tracker is now also shown in top-most settings.
Fixed GCM Wake-up (Xposed) on some Android 4.x devices.
Fixed wake-up tracker in root mode.
Fixed the Doze on the Go in root mode on Android 7.
Fixed Tasker plug-in for hibernating specified app. (all pending apps were hibernated)
2016.09.22 v2.9.5 beta 3
* Aggressive Doze now works in non-root mode on Android 7. (Manual privilege granting via USB required)
* Improved GCM Wake-up (Xposed) for some misbehaving apps. (e.g. WeChat)
* Improved the stability of accessibility service.
* Fixed Wake-up Cut-off on Android 6+.
* Fixed Shallow Hibernation (Android 6+) in boost mode (Xposed).
* Fixed alarm analysis on Android 6+.
* Fixed the false “Root privilege not granted” notification.
* Fixed the verification failure in a short time after donation package is installed.
2016.09.12 v2.9.5 Beta 2
* Wake-up cut-off now works on Android 7.0 (root).
* Improved the overall stability and smoothness of non-root auto-hibernation.
2016.09.02 v2.9.5 Beta 1
* Auto-hibernation in non-root mode is now compatible with secured key-guard. No more compromise for device security!
* Screen-off by Greenify no longer invalidates fingerprint unlock and Smart Lock. Be sure * to enable “Alternative Screen Off” in settings.
* Aggressive Doze and doze notification is now compatible with Android 7.0 in root and * boost mode. (support for non-root mode on the way)
* Tasker plug-ins for toggling Auto-Hibernation and Aggressive Doze.
* Improved app state detection on Android 6.0+.
2016.07.30 v2.9 Final
* NEW: “Doze on the Go” on Android 6.x (in two forms: non-root or Xposed). This feature was first introduced by Greenify beta, even before Android 7 Preview!
* NEW: Quick Action Notification.
* NEW: Troubleshooting section in setting, with non-root Wake-up Tracker.
* Aggressive Doze can now be enabled manually via USB-connected PC even if Doze is disabled in ROM.
* Improved app state detection on Android 6+.
* Improved compatibility with Android 7. (Aggressive Doze is not compatible yet)
by Jasi2169、Balatan、Kane(完整解锁捐赠版功能,Zipalign对齐优化)
1) 首先请删除所有之前的绿色守护版本和捐赠包!
2) 安装Greenify主程序,还要记得安装Xposed框架;
3) 启动Xposed点模块选Greenify,再点框架“安装/更新”重启手机!